Sunday 30 October 2011

Do you own your web site

     Are you a SME with your own web stite then ask yourself "Do I Own IT" Of course id do you may say i pay the fee every month.
     But do you? Could your web design \ provider pull the plug at any time. You may pay at your set period but who owns the site. is the web site domain name registered to you or your web designer or provider. You should check with the domain name registrar to see who owns the name, don't assume check the WHOIS Simply enter your domain and get who owns it. It may surprise you who actually does own the name.
   Check who's servers the site is hosted on and check up on them as you would any other company supplier, if they fail your site goes down. This brings us to the next question who owns he source code for the site you need to own this and keep an upto date copy. This is vital if you want to change the site and use another web company or you may have to redevelop the site costing you extra money.
   If you use SMTP mail ie Mail is redirected to you exchange server  Then make sure you have control of the MX record or you could lose access to your mail.

To recap
  1. Make sure you own the domain name
  2. Make sure you own the source code
  3. Make sure the hoating company is secure both financially and security wise.
  4. Make sure you control the MX record.


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